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Posted on 11th Dec 2024
This Ribeye 785 was re-tubed to match the original two-tone design in Arctic Grey and Ocean Blue Orca 828 Hypalon fabric.
It was finished with laser cut Ocean Blue style patches and logos.
We were approached by our client to restore his 15 year old Ribeye A600. We worked closely with them to come up with options and colour scheme to make his aging Ribeye look like new. The tired PVC tubes were replaced with Black fabric impression Hypalon tubes with black EPDM fittings and custom cut logos. New deck lights, switch panels, [...]
New synthetic teak decking and new double jockey seats fitted to a Ribeye 7.5m Rib.
Ribeye 6 metre Playtime Rib tubes supplied and fitted in the new Ribeye style. The tubes were made using Military Grey fabric impression Hypalon with black teardrop rubbing strake, black handles and black fabric impression style patches.
Ribeye Rib faded wear patches removed and replaced giving this Ribeye Rib a fresh look.
Another Ribeye Rib re-tube this week. This time a 6 metre Ribeye Playtime with Light Grey Hypalon top and Ocean Blue bottom finished with grey fittings.The Rib has also been antifouled and consoles cut back and polished.
New Honda 150hp fitted to Ribeye 6.5m. Our team have plenty of experience in rigging new outboards. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Rib Shop were asked to remove the yellow patches on this Ribeye and replace them with something less contrasting. The wear patches were removed and replaced using new black Hypalon making it look much more in keeping with the rest of the Rib.From this [...]