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Our large modern workshops based on the Hamble River in Southampton enable us to carry out yacht tender repair and refit to the highest standards. Our Rib repair team are also able to travel and carry out programmed Rib repairs and re-tubes, as well as emergency repair service to Rib collars and tubes onboard the yacht, wherever in the world it may be.
Rib Shop has vast experience in the on-site repair of all makes of Rib including Ribtec, Pascoe, Scorpion, Novurania and Ribeye boats. We can respond at short notice and carry out quality repairs with the minimum of crew and guest disruption. We specialise in carrying out tube repairs that leave only the minimum of cosmetic damage to the original look of the tube.
Rib Shop's worldwide super yacht tender service is there to assist yacht management companies and yacht crew. We have worked for some of the worlds best known super yachts and yacht management companies and have assisted with the repair, maintenance and refits of their yacht tenders.
Our large refit workshops on the south coast have full lift out facilities and can cater for repair, re-tubes and complete tender re-fits and resprays. Our in house Rib tube build team means we are in complete control of quality and production. Our Rib re-fit services range from repairs and tidying to complete hull repairs, re-painting, re-tubing, re-powering, replacement decking and deck coverings (including teak and synthetic teak).
Despite the 2020-2021 seasons being extremely challenging Rib Shop still managed to deliver several yacht tender refits including 2 Pascoe Ribs for full stripdown, restoration and refit and a Ribtec for tender refit including new tubes and engine replacement.